Ahoy, friends! We are hurtling towards the end of 2024 and it’s time to pause, open your journal, reflect… and dream BIG! Today, I want to share something a little different with you - a formula which I hope will help you plan out the best fucking year of your life so far. The end of the year offers a truly special time to disconnect from phones, social media, from the pressures of work and day-to-day life and to RECONNECT with your intuition and your vision for the future. This is a time to reflect on the year just gone, to see what lessons you have learned, and to ponder what went well and what could have gone better. And above all, to prepare yourself to forge your own destiny; to make the next year better than the one just gone. We can be our own biggest champion or our own worst critic. Sometimes, we are both. But we are masters of our fate, captains of our own ship… nobody is going to do it for us, the buck stops with US. So I want to share a system I came up with that is probably the most valuable practice, outside of fitness, in my life. For the last ten years, I’ve been tracking my daily habits and at the end of the month recording these digitally and then asking myself the same 8 questions…
Having ten FREAKING years of data on these questions is powerful… it provides an irrefutable stack of proof (to myself) that I am consistently working my introspective muscles and moving in the direction of being the person I want to be. My personal hero is myself in 10 years time (I stole that from Matthew McConaughey but it’s true for me too)… I see clearly who I can be and having these end-of-month reviews has been a powerful tool; I’m better at celebrating wins, and it’s harder to hide from fuck-ups or weaknesses for more than a month. An end-of-the-month review is a powerful thing, but what’s even more powerful is an end-of-year review… There’s really no WRONG way to do this, just focus on pulling out your journal and…
The end of the year is a powerful time and in many ways how we end the year very much sets the vibe for how the next year is going to unfurl - so spend your time wisely! However you choose to spend the Christmas break, I’m sending you all my love :) - Will P.S. If you liked this email and are interested in more content on goal setting, habit tracking and personal development - let me know by hitting reply or by clicking the button below. I plan to launch a lot of tasty and free personal development content in 2025.
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Go budget backpacking. Reader, if you haven't yet... It WILL change your life (if done right). READ: 7 EPIC ReasonsEveryone Should Try Budget Travel Broke backpacking CHANGED my life. I first hit the road properly at the age of nineteen and spent two years hitchhiking and Couchsurfing around India, it was a challenging yet beautiful and transformative experience. Welcome to the wild world of budget backpacking! A solo backpacking trip packed with ambitious planning and plentiful surrenders to...
Travelling solo can sometimes be an overwhelming and challenging experience — even if it's not your first time doing it! But it's one of the greatest things I have ever done and I highly recommend everyone to try it at least once... IF I were to start fresh, though, there are things I would definitely do differently. And I want to share them with you: READ:The Broke Backpacker'sTOP Solo Travel Tips ☝️ You'll thrive on your own 😎 Travelling alone is a magnificent opportunity for growth,...
Planning a trip is an art form which if mastered will pay endless dividends... The trick is to find the perfect balance between embracing the loosey-goosey wonderfulness of travel and also having SOME things booked and sorted so you have points of respite from the serendipity of life on the road! This week, I'm sharing some of my top tips, tricks and hacks to help you find your own perfect balance and to save money, time and stress... [READ]Planning a Trip Made EASY. Planning for Success 💯 A...